Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How to choose a dog.

When choosing a dog, you need to carefully consider if a dog is right for you. Think about how a new dog is going to change your life. They will take up your time and energy with feeding, grooming, exercise, and play. Dogs are loving animals and they want and need to spend quality time with you. So it's important that you and the dog are a good match

A few things to think about would be, where the dog will be living and the type of family it will be living with. The joyous time has arrived when it's time to pick out a dog. To find just the right new member of the family, many issues need to be thought about such as the size of the home, the amount of activity the dog needs, grooming requirements, members of the family, and the size and breed of the dog.

Just about any size of home is good for a dog, as long as the right size and breed is matched to the home. Larger dogs usually do better living in a home that has some type of backyard where they can get their daily exercise. They don’t like to be stuck in small spaces. There are several breeds of dogs that do great living in an apartment. Even the temperature and climate must be considered because certain breeds will do fine in a colder climate, but can’t handle the heat, while other breeds are much better suited for that environment.

One question you should ask yourself is, why do you want a dog? If looking for a dog to go out with and that can be friendly around other people, a Golden Retriever or a Beagle can be a great choice. If you want a dog that is good with children there are so many great choices. Also, for a guard dog, the easiest option would be a German shepherd or a Rottweiler.

You will need to keep in mind that different breeds will have to exercise more or less depending on which you choose. Smaller dogs usually can get by with running around and playing in the house. Bigger dog breeds need spend a long time to exercise each day. Also grooming can become an issue for some breeds who require more time and effort with brushing especially if that dogs sheds a lot.

Picking a dog that is still a puppy can be a challenge . They are puppies are adorable,  but it can be difficult to tell a dog's personality when he's a few weeks old and if they will grow into a healthy adult. Although an adult dogs, unlike puppies, come with their own set of ingrained habits and behaviors. As challenging as it can be to train a puppy, a stubborn adult dog can be a huge headache to manage.

When you adopt a dog from a shelter you will getting a great companion, but you might be be saving that dog's life as well. There are some important things you need to consider when taking home a dog from the shelter. Like taking in a stray dog and giving him love and care will feel great, but this can be a tough choice if you haven't thought of the risks of having a dog with an unknown background.

So when you choose your dog, be sure you know what you want and what you can manage. A dog is a great companion and you must be sure you can take care of them.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How to Use a Dog Whistle to Stop Barking

There are many reasons why you would want or need to train your dog to stop barking. One way of doing this is to use a dog whistle.

Before you start, try to take away what is causing the dog's barking. It’s not always possible to remove all the causes of barking, but removing those causes can make training much easier. Start by waiting for your dog to start barking or ring the doorbell to get him to bark.

Give a command word when the dog starts barking, repeating it several times until your dog barks again. When the dog barks, praise them and give them a treat. This may seem to be a bit useless at first, but if you want to train your dog to stop barking on command, it is much easier to start out by training your dog to bark when on command.

Continue training you dog with your command word. Over time, try to give you dog less of a reward when they respond to you correctly. After a certain point your dog should begin barking when you give the command. Your dog may have even started barking less frequently as a result as well.

Give the command word to cause your dog to bark and then blow your dog whistle to interrupt your dog's barking. The loud noise will startle your dog and stop them. People can't hear the high frequency sound of a dog whistle so you don’t have to worry about disturbing anyone with it’s sound.

Praise your dog and give him a treat when he's quiet. If your dog continues barking, blow the whistle again to startle him to stop his barking. When they listen, give them a treat and use a dog toy to make your dog focus on something else. When they are silent, give your dog a treat and praise them.

Blow the whistle each time your dog starts barking and be consistent. Make sure to always use the whistle to correct your dog's barking. Over time, your dog will associate his barking with the unpleasant sound of the whistle and will choose to be quiet and be praised instead.

Continue training the dog with the whistle. As the dog becomes more used to the whistle and begins to be quiet, start to give you dog less of a reward like before with the command word to bark. Keep repeating both the command word and whistle training to keep your dog trained and don't forget to reward your dog once in a while when they respond correctly to either the command word or the whistle.

Once you done all of these steps, you should have a well trained dog. Every dog is different and some may take more time to train, but the results you get are worth the time you spend.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming