Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How to choose a dog.

When choosing a dog, you need to carefully consider if a dog is right for you. Think about how a new dog is going to change your life. They will take up your time and energy with feeding, grooming, exercise, and play. Dogs are loving animals and they want and need to spend quality time with you. So it's important that you and the dog are a good match

A few things to think about would be, where the dog will be living and the type of family it will be living with. The joyous time has arrived when it's time to pick out a dog. To find just the right new member of the family, many issues need to be thought about such as the size of the home, the amount of activity the dog needs, grooming requirements, members of the family, and the size and breed of the dog.

Just about any size of home is good for a dog, as long as the right size and breed is matched to the home. Larger dogs usually do better living in a home that has some type of backyard where they can get their daily exercise. They don’t like to be stuck in small spaces. There are several breeds of dogs that do great living in an apartment. Even the temperature and climate must be considered because certain breeds will do fine in a colder climate, but can’t handle the heat, while other breeds are much better suited for that environment.

One question you should ask yourself is, why do you want a dog? If looking for a dog to go out with and that can be friendly around other people, a Golden Retriever or a Beagle can be a great choice. If you want a dog that is good with children there are so many great choices. Also, for a guard dog, the easiest option would be a German shepherd or a Rottweiler.

You will need to keep in mind that different breeds will have to exercise more or less depending on which you choose. Smaller dogs usually can get by with running around and playing in the house. Bigger dog breeds need spend a long time to exercise each day. Also grooming can become an issue for some breeds who require more time and effort with brushing especially if that dogs sheds a lot.

Picking a dog that is still a puppy can be a challenge . They are puppies are adorable,  but it can be difficult to tell a dog's personality when he's a few weeks old and if they will grow into a healthy adult. Although an adult dogs, unlike puppies, come with their own set of ingrained habits and behaviors. As challenging as it can be to train a puppy, a stubborn adult dog can be a huge headache to manage.

When you adopt a dog from a shelter you will getting a great companion, but you might be be saving that dog's life as well. There are some important things you need to consider when taking home a dog from the shelter. Like taking in a stray dog and giving him love and care will feel great, but this can be a tough choice if you haven't thought of the risks of having a dog with an unknown background.

So when you choose your dog, be sure you know what you want and what you can manage. A dog is a great companion and you must be sure you can take care of them.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How to Use a Dog Whistle to Stop Barking

There are many reasons why you would want or need to train your dog to stop barking. One way of doing this is to use a dog whistle.

Before you start, try to take away what is causing the dog's barking. It’s not always possible to remove all the causes of barking, but removing those causes can make training much easier. Start by waiting for your dog to start barking or ring the doorbell to get him to bark.

Give a command word when the dog starts barking, repeating it several times until your dog barks again. When the dog barks, praise them and give them a treat. This may seem to be a bit useless at first, but if you want to train your dog to stop barking on command, it is much easier to start out by training your dog to bark when on command.

Continue training you dog with your command word. Over time, try to give you dog less of a reward when they respond to you correctly. After a certain point your dog should begin barking when you give the command. Your dog may have even started barking less frequently as a result as well.

Give the command word to cause your dog to bark and then blow your dog whistle to interrupt your dog's barking. The loud noise will startle your dog and stop them. People can't hear the high frequency sound of a dog whistle so you don’t have to worry about disturbing anyone with it’s sound.

Praise your dog and give him a treat when he's quiet. If your dog continues barking, blow the whistle again to startle him to stop his barking. When they listen, give them a treat and use a dog toy to make your dog focus on something else. When they are silent, give your dog a treat and praise them.

Blow the whistle each time your dog starts barking and be consistent. Make sure to always use the whistle to correct your dog's barking. Over time, your dog will associate his barking with the unpleasant sound of the whistle and will choose to be quiet and be praised instead.

Continue training the dog with the whistle. As the dog becomes more used to the whistle and begins to be quiet, start to give you dog less of a reward like before with the command word to bark. Keep repeating both the command word and whistle training to keep your dog trained and don't forget to reward your dog once in a while when they respond correctly to either the command word or the whistle.

Once you done all of these steps, you should have a well trained dog. Every dog is different and some may take more time to train, but the results you get are worth the time you spend.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming

Friday, October 25, 2013

How to reduce dog shedding

Shedding is when a dog loses it’s hair naturally show the can grow in a new coat. All dogs shed. Some breeds do more than others. It can sometimes cause problems for owners. Allergies and cleanliness issues.

Some breeds have a seasonal shedding season in the spring when they lose their winter coats, but if you have a dog indoor dog it may not be outside enough to it naturally know when the season has changed, so they might shed all year round. Also, longhaired dogs seem to shed more, but it’s actually the length of their hair.

The best way to deal with your dog shedding is grooming. You should remove the hair yourself and throw it out rather than let the hair fall out naturally. The more hair you remove, the less you will see it all over your house. Brushing your dog once a day will will help keep the hair away.

Bathing is another way to control your dog’s shedding. A clean coat and skin means will reduce shedding. While bathing your dog, you can remove the loose hair. You should bathe your dog once per week to prevent dryness as dry skin causes more shedding.

If your dog lacks nutrients, some supplements should be taken to reduce shedding. Fatty acid supplements will provide the nutrients for your dog’s skin and coat and will reduce shedding.

Ticks and fleas and other parasites can cause some problems too. Dogs will scratch at them and this may lead to excessive shedding and even bald patches. Fleas and ticks can be removed with insecticides and special formula shampoos.

A stressed dog may lose more hair than usual. Many things can cause your dog to be stressed like environmental changes, someone passing away, or health conditions. Managing stress may solve the problem and reduce shedding. Try to figure what is the cause of their stress and try to handle it with affection, therapy, or even medication. You can discuss it with your vet if it’s needed.

Sometimes unexpected amounts of shedding can be caused by a ringworm, skin infections, stress, mange, and cancer. It is not normal for your dog’s coat to thin as the dog gets older. If your dog's hair loss is abnormal you will see bald spots. If this happens than it’s best to take your dog to the vet.

So the best thing to do is be aware of what your dog needs and give to them. All dogs shed and with these helpful tips, you can reduce that amount of hair that will be shed.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming

Monday, September 9, 2013

Why do dogs eat grass

You may be concerned to see your dog eating grass. The reason they do it is mostly because it’s natural to them. Sometimes it happens because of something that is making them sick. Usually it’s because a dog may be bored and is looking for something to chew on.

Most experts agree that eating grass isn’t harmful, but certain herbicides and pesticides used on lawns can be quite toxic if your dog eats it from the from the grass or plants. Fertilizers were one of the top 10 causes of pet poisoning in 2008.

Also, a few house and garden plants are toxic, which could lead to problems if your dog eats on them along with the lawn. Make sure the plants where your dog is eating grass aren’t dangerous. If instead you want your dog stop eating grass entirely, here are a few things you need to know.

The first assumption that is made for why dogs eat grass is that they eat it to force themselves to vomit if they have an upset stomach. It may even be signs of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), gastrointestinal parasite infestation, metabolic disease, but it mostly to reduce nausea in the dog.

What it could also be is trait that has been passed down through generations of wolves and domestic dogs. There is not one answer to why they started to eat grass in the first place. It may be something leftover from the evolutionary makeup or it could just be that your dog is lacking something in there diet.

You can try adding fresh greens and vegetables or fruits to their diet. Spinach, kale, broccoli, parsley, and pineapple have all will work well. Vegetables are more digestible when steamed and pureed or finely chopped before being incorporated into a dog's meal.

Dogs that eat a diet based in whole foods instead of store bought, non whole-food based dry or canned foods, usually don’t have this grass eating behavior. This high fiber diet can really help. This may be because dogs need to eat this way not just because of parasites but to have healthy a gut.

If your dog is bored than all you need is to be sure that your dog is getting enough exercise and is playing with fun activities. Try tossing a Frisbee or playing another  game with your dog, or buy a chew toy to keep him occupied. With all of that, whatever reason your dog is eating grass for, they should stop.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How to wash your dog properly

Most people would assume that it’s okay to bathe their dog occasionally throughout the year, but pet owners are realizing that it’s important to do this much more frequently. Here we will describe how to go about washing your dog properly with a few handy tips.

Before you start washing your dog, here are a few things you will need, towels, dog shampoo, dog conditioner, sponge, and of course, your dog! One tip to keep in mind is, have your sponge laid out so it's close at hand when you may need it, but not near the dog so it won’t be kicked and splashed by the dog. Pull over the hose or turn on the water for the bathtub. When trying finding the right temperature for your dog, just remember that dogs have more sensitive skin. Have the water lukewarm to warm temperature.

Pick a good shampoo, but you should never use a human shampoo to bathe your your dog. The pH of dog skin isn’t the same as human skin. We have a pH of around 5.5 to 5.6, your dog's skin is much more neutral, averaging a pH of between 6.2 and 7.4.1 Shampoos formulated for humans are much more acidic than those for dogs, and using a human shampoo can upset the balance of a dog's skin.

If your dog scratches a lot, decide if the scratching is from parasites, allergies, or simple skin irritation. If your dog is suffering from parasites, pick out a good flea or problem specific shampoo at a pet store or retail store. Otherwise, select a mild shampoo, or make the shampoo yourself, as many dogs are allergic to shampoos that contain chemicals. Some general dog shampoos are formulated with oatmeal to help reduce general irritation. If you have a puppy, check to make sure that he is old enough for the shampoo that you have chosen.

Here are a few choices depending on your dog. Soap-free, pH-neutral shampoos that have oatmeal or aloe vera. These are great for normal or itchy skin, they clean the skin and reduce inflammation. Shampoos with selenium sulfide are designed to remove that doggy dandruff. Shampoos with antiseptics such as chlorhexidine can help to treat bacterial skin infections such as hot spots. Shampoos with antifungal agents such as miconazole or ketoconazole can be useful in treating for fungal skin infections. Lastly, shampoos and rinses that have pyrethrins or permoxin are useful for short-term flea and tick control.

To start, get your dog's coat nice and wet, then put on the shampoo. Start with the head. Make sure to massage shampoo into all over, even under his front legs and neck. For best results, use your thumbs or fingers to massage in a circular motion. Be sure to really scrub areas that are always seeming to get dirty.

Wash the head and face. This is very important if your dog has or has had flea problems. It will wash them on to the body and make it easier to get rid of them. Make sure you not to get any shampoo in your dogs eyes, nose, ears, or mouth. Keep the shampoo on your dog for as long as the bottle calls for. Rinse your dog until the water from his fur runs clear. Then rinse one more time. If your dog won’t let you rinse its face, use your hand to bring water from the faucet to his face repeatedly to rinse. You can also use a wet washcloth to do this.

The best way to reduce irritation is to rinse your dog well after the bath. You might get a snap-on hose attachment designed to help you rinse your dog. These snap-on attachments are available for both a sink or for the shower. Always rinse the dog with clean water. Some of the snap-on attachments have hoses and sprayers so you can hold it upside down under the dog to rinse its belly. If it is during the summer, you may want to just wash your dog outside with the hose.

If you are going to use a conditioner, let the dog have a shake to remove any moisture or give it a quick towel dry, then apply. Conditioners help with untangling and ensuring a smooth coat, just as they do in human hair. Some conditioners need to be rinsed off, others can be left in the coat.

Get a towel and lay it over your dog's back and rub your dog dry. Make sure you dry the inside of his ears also. A dog's instinct is to shake itself when wet, though, so be careful. In the winter, or for small dogs almost all the time, lay a dry towel on the floor and use a hair dryer and dog brush to dry and brush your dog.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming

Monday, August 5, 2013

Why do dogs live shorter lives than people?

Have you ever wonder why we live so much longer than dogs? I don't mean in terms of science or evolution, but try to think of how we live differently. Just think back to your own experience with a dog and how they treat you. What you could learn from them? In some ways people are born without knowing how to care for one another, but dogs already know how. They live their lives by caring for you and being loyal. So when they do pass they have already lived a full life while we are still learning to do what they already know.

Some examples of dog behavior that we could learn a lot from is, to live simply, love everyone generously, to care deeply about someone else, and to speak kindly with the people you know. Some things that you could also learn from dogs would be, to run a greet a loved one when they arrive home, to never pretend someone that you're not, and to know when someone is having a bad day you should comfort them by just being there. These are all things you can learn from your dog. We all should try to live like they do, maybe we could become better if we did.

Here are a few other thing dogs do everyday that we could try to do more of. Go out for a joyride. Enjoy fresh air and the wind in your face. Take more naps. Stretch after waking up, just before getting up. On a nice day, lay on the grass and enjoy the day. On a hot day, drink lots of water and sit under some shade. Take some to go out for a long walk. There are so many things you can learn from your dog. Try some of things and see how it improves your mood throughout the day.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to find and remove ticks from your dog.

One way to prevent ticks is to use anti-tick medicine. This show how to do it on your own if you haven't or the medicine has not worked for your dog.

Ticks tend to stay on dogs for days. To prevent an infection its best to remove the tick as soon as possible. You may get suggestions like using petroleum jelly or burning the tick with a hot match, but its actually a lot simpler.

To find a tick on your dog you should run your hands all over the body. Try looking near the ears neck, skin folds and other ares on the dog. Look carefully at an area that is raised and separate the hair. Make sure you're a well lit room or you could take a flashlight to do this. Depending on kind of tick your dog has, it could be as small as a dot or as big as a bean if it filled with blood. If you live in an area with a lot of ticks than you should check for ticks once or twice a day. If you find one that's embedded, remove right away and properly.

First thing to do would be, wear latex gloves. Use a pair of tweezers or some tick removal tool to grab the tick. This should be done as close to the skin as possible. Be careful that you don't squeeze the tick's body. This may cause bacteria and disease to go into the dog.
Pull the tick straight out from the skin slowly and steadily (without twisting or turning). Some of your dog’s skin may come off with the tick, but this is normal. If the dog starts to bleed, just put some pressure to the wound.

Once its removed, the tick should be handled carefully. You could flush it or burn it. If some part of the tick’s head is still on the dog, use the tweezers to gently pull it out. If some of the head cannot be removed, don't worry. It should fall off over time.

After you have removed the tick, gently clean your dog’s skin at the bite area with mild soap and water or a solution of iodine and water (dilute iodine to the color of weak iced tea). Take the next few days to look at the area in case of any irritation or infection. If the area doesn't clear up in a few days, contact your veterinarian.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to clean your dog’s anal glands.

The anal glands don’t really have a purpose in dogs. They’re under the skin just inside the anal opening of your dog. The fluid that builds up can be very unpleasant and can cause problems and infection in the dog. You should ask your vet before attempting to express your dog’s anal sacs for the first time. The process can cause impacted anal glands and sometimes can rupture the sacs. Also, expressing the anal sacs too often can lead to impacted anal glands, and not caring for them enough may lead to infection.

If you're not entirely sure you want to express your dog's anal glands yourself, go ahead and hire trained staff at your veterinary office or a professional to do it. If you’re ready than here is how to clean a dog's anal glands yourself.

You should express the anal glands regularly during bath time. The anal glands or sacs are located just inside the anal sphincter muscle at the bottom left and right, just inside the anal opening. These glands are about the size of a kidney bean normally. When they become full they can enlarge to the size of grapes.

Wear latex gloves. Wet the glove or work in the water and insert the index finger gently just inside the dog's anal opening. This is uncomfortable for the dog, so do this slowly and gently. Use the thumb of the same hand and place it on the outside of the anal opening at bottom left. You should feel the anal gland between your fingers. Gently pinch the anal gland between your fingers and the accumulated secretion should squirt out. You should be able to feel the anal sack shrink in size as you're gently squeezing. Move your fingers to the bottom right position and gently squeeze in the same way.

Repeat this regularly during bath time to keep your dog's anal glands in optimal health. If you can feel the swollen or hardened sacs and the fluid cannot be expressed, then you will need to have your veterinarian do it. The secretion may have thickened and hardened too much to remove yourself.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

lucky dog mobile pet grooming

keeping a dog healthy and content is neither as easy nor as tought . what it take is an owner is willing to devote the necessary time and energy to exercise ,train ,groom and attend to the other needs of his pet .consciention dog care actually begin before the purchase of the dog ,by realistically evaluating the time one has to spend on a dog ,and opting for a breed whose needs do not outstrip his owner resourses . dont forget that even a well-cared-for healthy dog needs to be examined and vaccinated regularly by a veterinarian . your mobile dog grooming .lucky dog .