Friday, October 25, 2013

How to reduce dog shedding

Shedding is when a dog loses it’s hair naturally show the can grow in a new coat. All dogs shed. Some breeds do more than others. It can sometimes cause problems for owners. Allergies and cleanliness issues.

Some breeds have a seasonal shedding season in the spring when they lose their winter coats, but if you have a dog indoor dog it may not be outside enough to it naturally know when the season has changed, so they might shed all year round. Also, longhaired dogs seem to shed more, but it’s actually the length of their hair.

The best way to deal with your dog shedding is grooming. You should remove the hair yourself and throw it out rather than let the hair fall out naturally. The more hair you remove, the less you will see it all over your house. Brushing your dog once a day will will help keep the hair away.

Bathing is another way to control your dog’s shedding. A clean coat and skin means will reduce shedding. While bathing your dog, you can remove the loose hair. You should bathe your dog once per week to prevent dryness as dry skin causes more shedding.

If your dog lacks nutrients, some supplements should be taken to reduce shedding. Fatty acid supplements will provide the nutrients for your dog’s skin and coat and will reduce shedding.

Ticks and fleas and other parasites can cause some problems too. Dogs will scratch at them and this may lead to excessive shedding and even bald patches. Fleas and ticks can be removed with insecticides and special formula shampoos.

A stressed dog may lose more hair than usual. Many things can cause your dog to be stressed like environmental changes, someone passing away, or health conditions. Managing stress may solve the problem and reduce shedding. Try to figure what is the cause of their stress and try to handle it with affection, therapy, or even medication. You can discuss it with your vet if it’s needed.

Sometimes unexpected amounts of shedding can be caused by a ringworm, skin infections, stress, mange, and cancer. It is not normal for your dog’s coat to thin as the dog gets older. If your dog's hair loss is abnormal you will see bald spots. If this happens than it’s best to take your dog to the vet.

So the best thing to do is be aware of what your dog needs and give to them. All dogs shed and with these helpful tips, you can reduce that amount of hair that will be shed.

Lucky Dog Mobile Pet Grooming


Unknown said...

Animals shed to get rid of old, damaged, or extra hair. Animals grow a heavy coat in the winter to help insulate themselves and then shed the extra hair in the summer. However, dogs will also shed broken or damaged hair, and if their skin is irritated from conditions such as allergies, they will also shed excessively. For this reason it is really important to groom your dog on a daily basis. You can also hire any pet care professional if you are in need of them.

Unknown said...

Excessive shedding is one of the biggest problems for you as the pet owner; it can be because of geography, environment, and some chemicals your pet comes in contact with, for example, lawn pesticides. Spraying this product will help control this heavy shedding.ARK Naturals Don't Shed On Me ia a best pet medication that helps moisturize pet's skin and coat. It decreases excessive shedding. It’s an easy-to-use product with a pleasant smell.